How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?

From your initial agreement to negotiating a settlement, here's what to expect in a Collaborative Divorce.
The collaborative divorce process involves a series of out-of-court meetings where you and your spouse, with assistance from the collaborative team, share information, identify concerns and goals, and negotiate an agreed-upon settlement... (read more)
How Can I Ensure My Disabled Child Receives Necessary Financial Support As An Adult?
Can parents prevent a minor child from becoming emancipated?
Shouldn’t you have the right to be with your child when your X can’t?
Bill Moved to Family Law Subcommittee
House Bill 929 seeks to lower interest on unpaid child support from 9% to 5% annually.
Child Preference in Custody Determinations.
Two Recent Cases May Clarify Enforceability Of Prenuptial Agreements
New Illinois Law Changes Guideline Formula For Spousal Support.
David Saxe approved for placement on list of Cook County Domestic Relations Division’s court-certified mediators.
You May Be Risking An Unsatisfactory Judgment By Ignoring The Petition
New Illinois Law Changes Guideline Formula For Spousal Support.
Collaborative Law Attorneys and Their Firms Must Be Discharged From Representation If Case Goes To Litigation
Fourth District Appellate Court reverses lower court ruling.
Minnesota law causes no substantial impairment to the contractual relationship between the policyholder and the insurer.
Effective June 29, 2018: New Law Aims At Protecting Kids From Domestic Violence
New study shows that sexting among kids ages 12 to 17 is on the rise
District Court Terminates Maintenance Payments To Cohabitating Former Spouse.
Proposed bill would render some policies ineffective following divorce.
Law found unconstitutional by DuPage County Circuit Court.
House Bill 4113, which would give divorced parents equal time with their children, must wait until the next legislative session for further action as the House did not bring it to a vote by the April 27 deadline.
Senate Bill 2289 seeks to address the financial impact on newly divorced spouses who will be paying or receiving maintenance under the new federal tax law…
Some taxpayers may want to delay their divorces, while others may want to move forward as soon as possible.
The collaborative divorce process involves a series of out-of-court meetings where you and your spouse, with assistance from the collaborative team, share information, identify concerns and goals, and negotiate an agreed-upon settlement..
A new Illinois law breaks down the guidelines an attorney must follow in a so-called “collaborative divorce.”