Student Denied FAPE by School's Adherence to Homebound Policy rather than Consideration of Student's Educational Needs

In In re: Student with a Disability, 117 LRP 48756 (Sept. 23, 2017), the school district's strict adherence to homebound guidelines violated the IDEA for a student suffering from Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Status Migrainous, and Sun Downing who missed 186 school days over a two-year period and received only 49 tutoring sessions during the 2016-2017 school year.
Relying on the U.S. Supreme Court's 2017 Endrew F. ruling, the hearing officer found that the district failed to provide a program reasonably calculated to enable the student to make progress appropriate in light of the circumstances and ordered 330 hours of compensatory education by a certified special education teacher.
School Districts Must Exhaust Supports Services Before Removing Students From The Rolls
Illinois’ Students No Longer Have To Choose Between Medication And Education
Effective July 1, 2018 school districts must develop and implement policies on student acceleration.
Illinois High School did not discriminate against student under Section 504 and ADA by refusing continued enrollment after student moved out of the district.
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Bullied Student with Special Needs Awarded $250,000
Following ISBE's initiation of the State's first-ever Public Inquiry, findings released April 19, 2018 identify systemic issues with the CPS Special Education Program including…
When is a photo or video of a student an education record under FERPA? The U.S. Department of Education answers this and related questions in its recent FAQ document.
Student denied FAPE by school district's adherence to homebound instruction guidelines rather than consideration of the student's educational needs.
Illinois High School did not discriminate against student under Section 504 and ADA by refusing continued enrollment after student moved out of the district.