Illinois School Districts No Longer May Deny Re-enrollment Or Expel Minors For Nonattendance

Effective August 13, 2018 Public Act 100-0825 amends the School Code by eliminating school district authority to deny enrollment to 17-year-old students for failure to meet minimum academic standards. The Act prohibits expulsion of a minor for school absence unless (1) the student has accrued 15 consecutive non-attendance days without a valid excuse, and (2) the student cannot be located by the school district or the student, when located by the school district, cannot be compelled to return to school after all available support services have been exhausted.
If you have questions about this issue or any other school law matter affecting your child please call (224) 800-1351 or email to schedule a consultation with David Saxe of SAXE LAW LLC.
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